Discover healing power of the Bach Flower Remedies for emotional wellbeing.
Soothe your soul with gentle flower remedies.

What are the Bach Flower Remedies?
The 38 Flower Remedies help to balance emotions and enhance well - being. They are a vital tool in helping us to deal with negative emotions and states of mind that cause anxiety, which can in turn lead to dis-ease.
Who was Dr Edward Bach?
Dr Bach (1886 – 1936) was a physician and a bacteriologist who realised that conventional medicine focused on treating the disease and not the individual. He practiced homeopathy for sometime before he began to experiment with the essences of different flowers and plants as an aid to treat emotional and mental imbalances in people. Over the period of 20 years, he tested flowers, plants and trees and discovered 38 remedies that could help heal specific emotional and mental states.
He concluded that the remedies were 100% safe and effective for adults, children, animals and plants. The remedies had not side effects and could be take alongside allopathic medicine. They brought emotional and mental balance to people and as a result their physical health improved.
The Bach Flower Remedies have been serving the world since 1936 and many people have found them helpful in improving their mental and emotional state of mind.
The remedies are used worldwide today and his home in Oxfordshire, “The Bach Centre – works passionately as an education centre training Bach Flower Remedy Practitioners to continue the work of Dr Bach.

The 38 remedies are a gentle way to deal with all the negative emotions that we face in our day to day life. They are like a trusted friend, uplifting us without causing us any harm and always being present for us.
How do the Bach Flower Remedies work?
Just as peeling an onion can make us cry, peeling away the layers of emotional pain can also be a painful and emotional process. However, it's important to remember that each layer we peel away brings us closer to our true selves and allows us to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. The Bach Flower Remedies help us do just that -peel away the layers of emotional pain and bring us closer to our true selves to help us live fulfilling lives.
What is similar between peeling an onion and the essences of the Bach Flower Remedies?

We all experience imbalance in our emotions from time to time. The Bach Flower remedies are a simple system to help us bring those imbalances into harmony, thereby leading to a life of well-being.
As we navigate the matrix of life, we all suffer from some of the following feelings every now and then, - Impatience, loneliness, despair, panic, fatigue, frustration, anger, inferiority, self-doubt, guilt, grief, agitation, hopelessness, terror, regret, anxiety, worry, sorrow, uncertainty, etc….
The remedies are simple to use, a gift from nature brought to us by the passion of Dr Bach, who gave us an “easy to use” system for healing and well-being.
As a qualified BFRP (Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner) I conduct a confidential consultation with you. As we discuss your needs, I recommend up to 7 flower essences for your mixing bottle (30 ml). Your mixing bottle is personalised for you according to your current emotional state of mind. The mixing bottle is prepared with your complete participation in your healing process.

Walnut - the remedy to help with coping with change in life or with new circumstances. Walnut, also protects us from outside influences and opinions of others. This protection giving remedy assists us in accepting and managing change and influences from other people
You need to take four drops from the bottle at least four times a day. It is recommended that the first dose is taken first thing in the morning and the last before bedtime. The four drops can be taken straight from the pipette into the mouth or added to hot/cold drinks.
The remedies can sometimes work instantly and at other times work slowly. This depends on the individual and their personal situation. There are no contra-indications for the flower remedies and they can be safely taken alongside prescribed medication and other therapies.
Consultations are private and confidential.
Cost for 1 hour Consultation £50 (including the personalised remedy bottle) £10.00 postage for posting the remedy bottle.